Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time To Get Real The Anti Piracy Bill

I’m sure everyone has heard and hopefully has signed the petition to stop this outrages bill.

Outrages? Well let me explain. First of all what is the reason for this bill. The bill as quoted from


“As originally written, the Stop Online Piracy Act would have allowed the Justice Department to order search engines such as Google and Yahoo to delete links to foreign sites with pirated content, making them inaccessible to U.S. Internet users.”

So the whole act is to stop theft of from the music industry or the big picture the entertainment industry.

But the price for this will lead to our constitutional rights, our freedom. Liberty is threating over this bill if passed.

Quoted from

“If this fails, it will simply mean that America is not willing to protect its cultural assets and its cultural future,” said Steve Bogard, president of the National Association of Songwriters International,”

If it fails mean that America is not willing to protect its cultural assets and its cultural future? Steve don’t seem to get the whole picture though it’s not right for anyone to take what they did not buy.

I would not want my music that I made be taken from me. But the issue at hand is what it leads to and that’s our freedoms. Though the issue over online piracy is dire one and it must be prevented we must not jeopardize  our freedoms because of it. It’s more like the entertainment industry wants to protect it assets and it's future but in reality there is no future for the industry if this bill is passed. It is one step closer to taking our rights and freedoms away without freedom of speech what could a song writer write about if he or she has no freedom of speech. The issue at hand must be carefully looked at for what is a attack on our freedom. It is what I call Problem Action Solution a phrase told to me by a 32nd degree Mason. And what it was explained to is The government or powers that be create a problem this case being the theft and piracy of the music and entertainment industry. Action the music industry protesting that something must be done about like in the case of Songwriters International. The Solution the Anti-Piracy bill which in hand is an underhanded attempt to counter a constitutional right to our privacy and liberties.

Vote delayed

“Wage believes some of the bills’ provisions — such as holding Internet sites responsible for links to piracy sites — ultimately will hurt online entrepreneurship efforts and violate privacy and free speech.”


The vote is delayed for now but that means the threat is still there we as Americans must continue to protest such a bill and urge that Congress find another way to stop online Piracy. In my opinion I’m not going to support the music industry by buying anything from the supporters of the bill. They after all lean on our assets  for there future if we will not be heard then maybe boycotting the music industry would get them to listen to another tune. It Is Time To Get Real

As Always