Thursday, May 29, 2014

Time to get real Stacy Dash a sell out?

“WOW! I used to like you so much. You have proven yourself mentally ill, especially now by joining FAUX News. Pathetic bigot,” one user tweeted at Dash.

Other tweets were repoted that wlll not be mentioned here do to the tasteless dialog. 

So this is how it's playing out anyone a African American that is conservative is considered a sell out or turn coat. So all African Americans are supposed to be democrat and liberal. Funny how the powers that be are putting things on one side or another. Thesis antithesis 
So in order to be republican 
You have to be a white,raciest,conservative,Christian,capitalist, and homophobic 
In order to be democrat you have to be black,liberal,liberal Christian,socialist,and immoral 
Point they never include other races in the political arguments
Thesis and antithesis there playing white against black.

Also let me point out that 
Republican is considered for the rich
And democrat are for the poor 
Where is the middle class? 
No third party?
Marxism is at work

it's time wake up people!!!

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