Thursday, February 11, 2016

Pride and Prejudice

Quote from a post I read
 "Well, there you have it straight from Google!
White people are the only group that is considered to be racist if they are proud to be white!"

I have to disagree being that white pride caused oppression of others because of the pride. If it were pride without prejudice, then the viewpoint could be considered. But because of the prejudices from white supremacy out of oppression and the fight for a place in the white supremacist USA people of other racist and sexuality had to make it an effort to lift themselves up out of the oppression. If black, Asian or gay pride came with the same prejudices toward other races or sexuality, then the viewpoint could be sensible. White people haven't dealt or felt the pain of oppression in the USA. History is full of examples of the White Privileged oppression of others. Notice the definition of Asian pride it states "in the United States" as they have been mistreated historically as well. Maybe we should investigate the reasons for the definition before using it as a reason for a double standard. With that said let us have human pride and love each other as Christ loved us. No one is better than anyone else. Whether white, black, Asian, Mexican, gay, straight, Protestant, Catholic, Jew, or Muslim and everything else. Even in disagreements, we should respect each other regardless of our differences. But this will be taken out of context some way but ask yourself before you do take it out of context. How would you feel if you were in other people's shoes? As Stan Lee would say "Nuff said" God bless and good day. 
As Always 


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