Thursday, February 11, 2016

Pride and Prejudice

Quote from a post I read
 "Well, there you have it straight from Google!
White people are the only group that is considered to be racist if they are proud to be white!"

I have to disagree being that white pride caused oppression of others because of the pride. If it were pride without prejudice, then the viewpoint could be considered. But because of the prejudices from white supremacy out of oppression and the fight for a place in the white supremacist USA people of other racist and sexuality had to make it an effort to lift themselves up out of the oppression. If black, Asian or gay pride came with the same prejudices toward other races or sexuality, then the viewpoint could be sensible. White people haven't dealt or felt the pain of oppression in the USA. History is full of examples of the White Privileged oppression of others. Notice the definition of Asian pride it states "in the United States" as they have been mistreated historically as well. Maybe we should investigate the reasons for the definition before using it as a reason for a double standard. With that said let us have human pride and love each other as Christ loved us. No one is better than anyone else. Whether white, black, Asian, Mexican, gay, straight, Protestant, Catholic, Jew, or Muslim and everything else. Even in disagreements, we should respect each other regardless of our differences. But this will be taken out of context some way but ask yourself before you do take it out of context. How would you feel if you were in other people's shoes? As Stan Lee would say "Nuff said" God bless and good day. 
As Always 


Monday, September 14, 2015

A Stand for Belief

Running head: A STAND FOR BELIEF







A Stand for Belief

Robert Davis

The Bigger Picture

September 14, 2015

Remnant Informer Presents

A Stand for Belief


Kim Davis an elected official who refused to sign her name to a same-sex marriages certificate; has been in the news of late. Kim Davis believes that she is standing on God's word by refusing a marriage license to same-sex couples. Some would route for her stand that she took that even sent her to jail. But is she right? Does she have the right to refuse mirages license to same-sex couples? The answer may surprise some, but the answer is no she is not right. Point being she is an elected official sworn into this position. If her job would have her compromising her beliefs, then the fair and faithful step would give up her position. After all same-sex marriages are law. So I'm I agreeing with same sex marriages? No, but this is not the issue. Unpopular my stance may be this is not the issue at all. A big picture is being played out before us. Separation of Church and state is a law for a reason. I'm I saying that Kim Davis is wrong for what she believes? No, but she is wrong trying to impose those beliefs in that being a "secular government"on to others. 

Constitutional Defenses to Religious Offences

As stated she should have stepped down from her position. Where this will lead to if not checked with popular beliefs will pave the way for persecution of other faiths. If a majority believes in a certain belief in the Bible, and a select few doesn't then, that will have explications of direct offenses on the constitution. Listen to this quote "When our nation, in its legislative councils, shall enact laws to bind the consciences of men in regard to their religious privileges, enforcing Sunday observance, and bringing oppressive power to bear against those who keep the seventh-day Sabbath, the law of God will, to all intents and purposes, be made void in our land, and national apostasy will be followed by national ruin."—The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:977 (1888). – {LDE 133.5} Whether you believe that or not the Kim Davis case is a wheel of momentum toward the movement against religious liberty. I will go a step further the type of Christendom that Kim Davis represents and others like her are the majority of what is being displayed and portrayed in our country. John 16:2   ESV

Service of God

They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. Sometimes Christians think they are doing the will of God when, in fact, they are not. God gave us free will to chose and so we should have the same principle.  How can one have freedom at the expense of one losing their freedom for another's freedom? When does the balance of freedom take place? Has there ever been a perfect balance? How can anyone justify their freedom over anyone else? How can one say my freedom is right, and you are wrong therefore your freedom is invalid when you disagree with another's freedom? No, we are not free to do what we will or sin when we want. But we cannot force beliefs on anyone. Force worship is not of God, and neither is opposing that belief in a secular government with a constitutional law separating church and state. My view is neither a conservative view or liberal view it is the gospel view. We present what we believe in a loving manner in the confines that separate the church and state separation principle. If we don't, then we are headed down a dark road. The dark ages will be repeated, and the misrepresenting of God, and his character that's presented to the masses and led them astray. "It is at the time of the national apostasy when, acting on the policy of Satan, the rulers of the land will rank themselves on the side of the man of sin. It is then the measure of guilt is full. The national apostasy is the signal for national ruin."—Selected Messages 2:373 (1891). – {LDE 134.1} There will be a common goal people who believe they are doing the will of God will blindly follow Satan and his plan. "When Protestant churches shall unite with the secular power to sustain a false religion, for opposing which their ancestors endured the fiercest persecution, then will the papal sabbath be enforced by the combined authority of church and state. There will be a national apostasy, which will end only in national ruin".—Evangelism, 235 (1899). – {LDE 134.3}


Many that don't believe in God or Jesus believe this way because of the misrepresenting of God's character. "We are approaching the end of this earth’s history, and Satan is working as never before. He is striving to act as director of the Christian world. With an intensity that is marvelous, he is working with his lying wonders. Satan is represented as walking about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He desires to embrace the whole world in his confederacy. Hiding his deformity under the garb of Christianity, he assumes the attributes of a Christian and claims to be Christ Himself."—Manuscript Releases 8:346 (1901). – {LDE 155.1}

In Conclusion

By no means is this an acceptance of what God calls sin. Let us look at the bigger picture where this could lead to if the Christian world is not careful. We must distance what we believe and separate it from the political agendas that  are at work in our country after all it was religious leaders through the means of political means that crucified our Lord Jesus Christ. This has been Looking at the Bigger Picture a Remnant Informer Blog Series Written by Robert Davis in association with Advent Reel Media.


As Always


God Bless

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Remnant Informer Presents Liberation Theology A Weapon Of The Beast

Remnant Informer Presents
Liberation Theology A Weapon Of The Beast

So while we're at full throttle taking down the Confederate flag I ask this will that stop racism? No, but it puts fuel on the fire. It is a tool to push the Liberation theology and the Marxist agenda forward. But also the same should be considered for the ISIS flag. After all, they seem to be accepting of others, and they don't kill people for being different do they? But we're too occupied pushed by emotions by the use of Hegelian dialectic. To have society unknowingly helping to destroy our Constitutional right to bear arms. I'm saddening by the shooting as well as everyone else, but the government does not seem to care about what happened. They are only interested in their agenda. We're at the very point of prophecies being fulfilled but also remember that even the very elect will are deceived. Matthew 24:24(KJV) 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they should deceive the very elect. Fooled by weapons of satanic energies. Even so to the point teachers and writers in Seventh Day Adventist institutions and publications are passing this liberation theology. What is liberation theology?  According to "What Is Liberation Theology?" (), "Liberation theology has it roots in Latin American Roman Catholicism. Its rise is seen as a response to widespread poverty and the mistreatment of large segments of Latin American society. An influential book promoting liberation theology is Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez's A Theology of Liberation (1971).” ().
So what is the concern about this theology? One it's rooted are in Roman Catholicism. We know especially as Seventh Day Adventist the RCC is the beast of Revelation 13 New King James Version (NKJV)

The Beast from the Sea
13 Then I[a] stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,[b] and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”

5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue[c] for forty-two months. 6 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. 7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe,[d] tongue, and nation. 8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

I see Facebook postings from Seventh Day Adventist with this theology or some even entertaining thoughts of radical groups like the Nation of Islam of course it ok for them to spew hatred.
Some seem to think we must get involved politically to stop racism this is false only through the Gospel of Jesus Christ can we change the hearts and minds of the racist. Forcing someone to believe a certain way is wrong and demonic. As Seventh Day Adventist, we should know that the Sunday law is a law to force others to worship on a certain day we know unbiblical. But at the same time some SDA believe it ok to force others to change their minds and behavior. We see liberation theology at its finest workings. There was a recent report of people being killed with knives but no outcry for knives control. The U.N. even using the Charleston shooting for their anti-gun agenda. The Pope pushing for global distribution of wealth and climate change it seems as prophecy is being fulfilled before us. Being the children of God, we should not let the weapons of the beast fool us. Ephesians 5:11(NKJV)
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
"Satan will go to the extent of his power to harass, tempt, and mislead God's people. He who dared to face, and tempt, and taunt our Lord, and who had power to take Him in his arms and carry Him to a pinnacle of the temple, and up into an exceedingly high mountain, will exercise his power to a wonderful degree upon the present generation, who are far inferior in wisdom to their Lord, and who are almost wholly ignorant of Satan's subtlety and strength. In a marvelous manner will he affect the bodies of those who are naturally inclined to do his bidding. Satan exults that he is regarded as a fiction. When he is made light of, and represented by some childish illustration, or as some animal, it suits him well. He is thought so inferior that the minds of men are wholly unprepared for his wisely laid plans, and he almost always succeeds well. If his power and subtlety were understood, many would be prepared to successfully resist him."
The Political Correctness agenda is also a key player that it could is being used against us. Just like the call for the liberation theology term social justice. The PC campaign is a censorship on freedom of speech. We cannot dare reveal whom the beast or antichrist is. That would have the PC police on the ones whom would dare to speak the truth and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it," ― Mark Twain
We are drawing near if you believe it or not or are ready or not.
P.S. I'm just here to inform ya
Sincerely From the Remnant Informer
As Always 
I Stand By The Word
God Bless
This Has Been A Advent Reel News Plubication
Check out the current Advent Reel News Edition


What is liberation theology?. (). Retrieved from

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reflections of a Life Time Cashing in!

But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “ LORD, who has believed our report?” So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:16-17 NKJV)

Are you having a faith issues? Just not feeling it today? Romans 10:16-17 says "faith comes by hearing" maybe we have a reduction in are faith bank because we haven't deposited the word of God into our minds daily. Think of it like this if I'm withdrawing money from the bank and I'm not depositing any thing back; then I'm bankrupt. We have to die daily; each day we have to use a measure of faith. Each day has a new challenge and each challenge has its own amount we must draw our faith from. But if we are not depositing the word of God refilling our faith; then we come to that moment of despair. But Jesus and His word does not change or come up short. Challenge your self and go to the bank today; put in your savings account and deposit the word in you daily. So when the time comes to use your faith you can cash in. Reflect on that today!

As Alaways
God Bless

Monday, July 21, 2014

Making Christ Fit the Sin?

“If Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person that he was, saying this could not happen,” John added. “He was all about love and compassion and forgiveness and trying to bring people together and that is what the church should be about.”

It seems that people today either deny the exitance of Jesus; or try to fit Him in there sinful nature.
Elton John a very talented mucian; stated the above qoute. Though 100% true and amen to that statement. Jesus however will forgive you of your sin; but don;t be fooled into thinking that homosexality is not a sin. Becouse it is the very word of God states it. Jesus the word made flesh John 1:1-14 states Jesus is God his word states what sin is. Jesus will forgive but you must relise that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God. No it is not big or little sin there is no meausure of sin it was eveled at the cross. We cannot pick and choose what we call sin; then think to serve or follow God. Yes God's church must be compassionate, forgive and be open to everyone to come to the cross and follow Christ. Some will not agree, some will twist these words but God does not change his stance on what he calls sin. I pray that people will take the time to know God, and know if Jesus says it is a sin then Jesus can help you change. But you got to wanted forget the harsh words some christians may say and know what God says.

As Always
I Stand By The Word
God Bless

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Time to get real Stacy Dash a sell out?

“WOW! I used to like you so much. You have proven yourself mentally ill, especially now by joining FAUX News. Pathetic bigot,” one user tweeted at Dash.

Other tweets were repoted that wlll not be mentioned here do to the tasteless dialog. 

So this is how it's playing out anyone a African American that is conservative is considered a sell out or turn coat. So all African Americans are supposed to be democrat and liberal. Funny how the powers that be are putting things on one side or another. Thesis antithesis 
So in order to be republican 
You have to be a white,raciest,conservative,Christian,capitalist, and homophobic 
In order to be democrat you have to be black,liberal,liberal Christian,socialist,and immoral 
Point they never include other races in the political arguments
Thesis and antithesis there playing white against black.

Also let me point out that 
Republican is considered for the rich
And democrat are for the poor 
Where is the middle class? 
No third party?
Marxism is at work

it's time wake up people!!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Looking at the Big Picture with Small Screen Eyes Attack on the 2nd Amendment

Looking at the Big Picture with Small Screen Eyes

Pre log
The Recent shooting spree from a naval officer has many raising questions. Did the news report the event before it happened? Did shooter hear small frequency waves telling him to carry out the shootings? Did the reports indicate that a automatic weapon was used? Even though it was a shotgun. Why the rampant violence? What is going on? 

Attack on the 2nd Amendment
There has been many reports on the news about some crazed lunatic with semi automatic storming into schools,offices,and other places shooting injuring and killing people. it seems as though people are losing their minds. That would be the first assumption but I see a "big picture" is there a conspiracy to take our 2nd amendment rights away? I Don't just see that  a goal to just take the 2nd amendment right but all our constitutional rights away. First let me explain why I'm blogging and not making a video as I usually do. One I want this as clear as possible two this blog will have a lot information dealing with the current issues facing our country today. I will discuss how the attack on our rights is not only destroying America and its principles but how it is a clear sign of prophecy of the end times. 

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. (Matthew 24:6 NKJV)

The Georgia school shooting 
In the news recently  the usual report of some depressed kid with semi automatic in a school but in this case no one was hurt or killed.
Shoichet, C. E. (2013, August 21). "Atlanta (CNN) -- A man who opened fire at a Georgia elementary school Tuesday was armed with an AK-47 "and a number of other weapons," police said"
This seems to be the norm here lately some kid with depression issues walks I the school armed with a AK-47 with usual no one likes me scenario ready to shoot everyone. This stands out on it's on one reason know one was hurt or killed and the media draws special attention to the fact he stated "Investigator T.L. Wortham of the DeKalb County Sheriff's Fugitive Unit tells WSB-TV that as officers were apprehending him, he said Associated Press (2013, August 21).  "I'm sorry, I'm off my meds."
Not that the previous gun shootings gun men did not said to have mental issues as well.
What I am noticing is that the shooter In this case Michael Brandon Hill said he was off his meds. So the scenario plays out a mental unstable kid off his meds gets his hands on a AK-47 and walks into school to shoot everyone. Thank God no one was hurt the book keeper comes the kid down and he was arrested on numerous charges. Associated Press (2013, August 21). "Suspected shooter Michael Brandon Hill, 20, faces charges including aggravated assault on a police officer, terroristic threats and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, police spokeswoman Mekka Parish said." 

The Big Picture Point 1 Tighter Back Ground Checks

This comes after the Aurora, Colo., movie theater shooting Knox, O. (2012, July 25) "I believe the majority of gun owners would agree that we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons; that we should check someone's criminal record before they can check out a gun seller; that a mentally unbalanced individual should not be able to get his hands on a gun so easily," he said. "These steps shouldn't be controversial. They should be common sense."
Now looking over Obamas statement you would think this would be a good idea.But pay close attention to this  that a Knox, O. (2012, July 25)"mentally unbalanced individual should not be able to get his hands on a gun so easily," I would have to agree that no one with mental disabilities should be able to carry a weapon. Criminal backgrounds should be considered as well  depending on the charges. But at face value this looks like a great motive to help cut down on gun violence. So if you cannot buy a gun because of mental illness then kids that were on Prozac when the are grown would not be able to buy a gun.Martin, B. (n.d.)."As with all mental disorders, the exact cause of attention deficit disorder (ADHD) is unknown, so parents should not blame themselves for this problem. It is likely that many factors play a role in each case of ADHD, very little of which has to do with specific parenting or child rearing skills."
So when these kids grow up they would not be able to purchase a gun. This would not seem to be a big deal if there were small cases of children who were medicated but pay attention to this Null, G. (n.d.)."The situation in American schools today was chillingly illustrated for me by a teacher I talked with recently. She works for a state-funded organization that sends teachers, social workers, psychologists, and speech therapists to disadvantaged schools for support. Once a week, she explained, there are meetings with the principal, other staff, and sometimes parents to discuss specific problem children. "Although we are given no specific training in how to advise or function as a team," she said, "we are looked at as experts, and our advice is highly regarded. In my experience, the meetings are merely attempts to find quick-fix solutions, and since the psychologist dominates, the answer to a great many childhood problems is an ADHD or ADD diagnosis for which medication is considered the logical solution."  So kids are giving Prozac or other medications because they feel they have ADHD or ADD. Null, G. (n.d.). "All of a sudden, it seems, millions of American children are said to be afflicted with mental illnesses. And they're being put on strong medications—over periods of years—as treatment. Isn't it time we stopped and looked at what the mental health establishment is getting us to do to our children?"What a great way to loop whole around our second amendment right to bear arms when the law is passed to have tighter background checks and because as a child you had ADHD you cannot purchase a gun to protect your family. 
The whole case  scenario  is that these are kids committing these crimes with AK-47's they not even old enough to purchase the guns. Would the reasoning be that there should be a tighter laws on how parents or however these kids are getting these guns be made. The tighter background checks is targeted at the the purchasers but the ones causing the massacres are children.  
So ADHD if it is not a real disorder how can it be a mental disorder? Furthermore why is the school system suggestion that children take it? Even when writing this about ADHD while researching the Internet I noticed that my email is flooded with mail about ADHD. Here is an example if one here....
So is this some conspiracy to take away our 2nd amendment rights? One after seeing this evidence would suggest so. But this is not what I'm writing about entirely but to show from this evidence how close we our to the Lord's second coming.    
Associated Press (2013, August 21). GA School Shooting Suspect Said He Was Off Medication. Retrieved from

Knox, O. (2012, July 25). Obama urges tighter background checks on gun buyers after Aurora massacre | The Ticket - Yahoo! News. Retrieved from

Shoichet, C. E. (2013, August 21). Police: Gunman wielded AK-47 inside Georgia school - Retrieved from